Alan Watts

Alan Wilson Watts (January 6, 1915 - November 16, 1973) was a philosopher, writer, speaker, and expert in
comparative religion. He wrote over twenty-five books and numerous articles
on subjects such as personal identity, the true nature of reality,
consciousness and the pursuit of happiness, relating his experience to
scientific knowledge and to the teachings of Eastern and Western religions
or philosophies (Zen Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, Hinduism). Beyond
this, he was sensitive to certain new leanings in the West, and was in a
position to be a proponent for certain shifts in attitudes regarding
society, the natural world, lifestyles, and aesthetics. Alan Watts was a
well-known autodidact. He was best known as an interpreter and popularizer
of Asian philosophies.
Read more here:
On conforming to society
On conforming to society
Why do we feel like we don't fit in? Is it a bad thing? Why do we have a harder time the less we conform? Alan Watts talks about societies insecurities.
He says they want us to "play the game". We have to strive for status otherwise we aren't playing by the rules. But what are the rules? What is the game?
Alan Watts talks 40 years ago here like it was yesterday.
Listen how he explains how we are all believed to be equally inferior and how dangerous it is to society.
A free society should embrace those of us who strive to see things simpler and less manipulated.
On schooling
Atheist Spirituality
Fear of enlightenment
For more videos - just search on Youtube for "Alan Watts"
@ IMPORTANT ! Alan Watts - Large and Remastred but Incomplete Collection [.torrent] (2)[.torrent]
1.59 GB in 290 files
(copied from
This is my Alan Watts collection.
I have tried my best to get the collection as complete as possible, but
since much of this material is rare and hard to get, some parts are
missing. Though some separate lectures are missing, the material in this
collection aren't structured in a long linear kind of fashion - Watts
rather explores one separate subject in each lecture, so it really doesn´t
matter if the colleciton isn´t 100% complete. I have included a list of
wich parts that is missing. Note that some of this material is indeed hard
to find on the internet.
I also have remastered most of the files, to enchance them with a softer
kind of sound and recompressed the files.
Some information about Alan Watts: Alan Wilson Watts (January 6, 1915 -
November 16, 1973) was a philosopher, writer, speaker, and expert in
comparative religion. He wrote over twenty-five books and numerous articles
on subjects such as personal identity, the true nature of reality,
consciousness and the pursuit of happiness, relating his experience to
scientific knowledge and to the teachings of Eastern and Western religions
or philosophies (Zen Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, Hinduism). Beyond
this, he was sensitive to certain new leanings in the West, and was in a
position to be a proponent for certain shifts in attitudes regarding
society, the natural world, lifestyles, and aesthetics. Alan Watts was a
well-known autodidact. He was best known as an interpreter and popularizer
of Asian philosophies. Read more here:
Get more information about these seriers at the offcial site:
List of series in this collection:
Legend for Prefixes: "-" Existing in collection. "*" Missing in collection.
"?" Parts of lecture is missing.
- 1. The Tao of Philosophy - Slices of Wisdom - Images of God - Coincidence
of Opposites - Seeing Through the Net - Myth of Myself - Man in Nature -
Limits of Language
2. Philosophies of Asia *The Relevance of Oriental Philosophy *The
Mythology of Hinduism *Eco-Zen - Swallowing a Ball of Hot Iron -
Intellectual Yoga ? Introduction to Buddhism -Taoist Way of Karma
- 3. Myth and Religion - Not What Should Be, But What Is! - Spiritual
Authority - Jesus: His Religion? - Democracy in Heaven - Image of Man - Sex
in the Church
- 4. Buddhism: Religion of No Religion - The Journey from India - The
Middle Way - Buddhism as Dialogue - Religion of No Religion - Wisdom of the
Mountains - Transcending Duality - Diamond Web
- 5. Eastern and Western Zen I - Swimming Headless - Wisdom of the
Ridiculous - Uncarved Block, Unbleached Silk - Zen Bones - Biting an Iron
Bull - Zen Tales
6. Eastern and Western Zen II - Introduction to Zen * Early Chinese Zen I &
II ? Early Chinese Zen III & IV - The World as Just So I & II & III & IV ?
Experiencing the Illusion of the Self
7. Philosophy and Society * Veil of Thoughts ? Divine Madness ? We as
Organism - What Is Reality? - Mysticism and Morality - On Being God
8. Philosophy and Society II - On Time and Death ? The Cosmic Drama ?
Philosophy of Nature ? Spectrum of Love ? Game of Yes and No - The Smell of
Burnt Almonds
9. Philosophy of the Tao - Philosophy of the Tao I & II - Philosophy of the
Tao III & IV * Landscape, Soundscape * Being in the Way I & II * Being in
the Way III & IV
10. Way Beyond the West * Study of Asia - Constitution of Nature ? Parallel
Thinking * Love of Waters * Ghosts (Wittgenstein) * Karma: Law of
Retribution? - Fundamentals of Buddhism * The Gateless Gate - Buddhist
Mysticism * Bhagavad Gita - Return to the Forest (on Joseph Campbell) - The
Odyssey of Aldous Huxley
11. Zen and the Arts * The Democratization of Buddhism - Zen and the
Controlled Accident I -> IV * A Contemplative Ritual - Why Not Now? *
Zenrin Poems
12. Images of God - Game of Yes and No * Out of the Trap * The Web of Life
* The Joker * The World as Self * The World as Emptiness